
美佳之窗 His Window 100( Oct - Dec 2022 )


林明威 & 杨紫琪 


俗语说男大当婚女大当嫁,但鲜少提起男人和女人要如何预备自己进入婚姻。原本背景、个性很不同的两个人,要怎样在婚姻中合一并幸福生活? 这是我所好奇的。

我和明威 (Ben) 恋爱6年。我们是小学同学、中学同学,一起在教会成长,大专毕业后相爱。今年,我们决定将爱情升华,走向婚姻。开启婚姻之旅的第一步就是婚前辅导,这是我们一致认同的。感谢导师们愿意给我们做婚前辅导,他们的陪伴和分享让我们更认识什么是婚姻。



周怀善 & 杨楚容

婚姻辅导课程是重新了解自己和伴侣的旅程。何师母辅导我们,让我们去思考,并把最现实的情况都提前告诉我们。感恩有这个机会参与 8 堂的婚姻辅导课,帮助我们认识自己的性格和原生家庭,婚姻的目的、期待,理财,能够让我们有所准备。踏入婚姻,真的是需要彼此用心地经营,沟通。最重要的是能在基督里有同样的价值观,知道我们两个都是罪人,都并不完美,无法改变对方,要懂得如何接纳和自己不一样的伴侣。

Seong Jun & Renatii

We were high school sweethearts and have been in courtship for almost a decade. As such, the thought of taking our relationship to the next level has always been lingering in our minds. However, little did we realise the magnitude of things that would hit us whilst preparing ourselves for this new beginning. 

As a couple worshipping Christ together, we were encouraged to attend a pre-marital counselling course. Undeniably, our first thought of this was terrifying because of the stigma that surrounds the word ‘counselling.’ Even sharing with our family and friends that we were going through pre-marital counselling was not an easy task. Let us also not forget the various reactions that we received when doing so. However, little did we realise how wrong the perceptions of pre- marital counselling are, ours included. 

Our counsellor, Mrs Ho, dived into the essential aspects of a marriage throughout the sessions whilst dissecting our relationship and lives to identify strengths, pain points and potential growth areas. Besides this, honest communication was strongly emphasised throughout our sessions for us to fully reap the benefits of this pre-marital counselling journey. Ultimately, this rubbed off onto us as a couple and improved our interactions with each other. 

After experiencing the pre-marital counselling course first hand, we are willing to put our marriage as an exhibit to demonstrate the value of Mega CMC’s pre- marital counselling. It has helped equip us to walk on this path of marriage and reap the joys that come along with it. Yes, marriage may be a journey between two people, but God has surrounded us with such competent and dedicated people who are willing to listen, guide and counsel; you stand to lose nothing by receiving this gift. 

范德祥 & 钟惠俐

感谢上帝,让我们有机会来上婚前辅导课。世界的价值观是夫妻彼此要求的关系 50% 对 50%,你做了你的本份,我才要尽我的本份,这个是一个谎言。以基督为中心的关系是 100% 对 100%。即使对方还没改变,我依然做好我的 100%; 即使在争吵,依然要做好自己的 100%。接受辅导时我们必须彼此坦诚。我们探讨了很多的课题,如知彼知己,夫妻之道,沟通互动,婚姻期望等等。让我们知道需要委身和自已先改变而不强求对方改变。谢谢导师告诉我们以后会面对的问题,让我们更了解彼此。我们是如此蒙恩。我们坚信,婚姻里有上帝必定是蒙福的,美好的婚姻能荣耀上帝,只要我们永远跟随基督。

连翎翔 & 潘皓嫣




Dictern Ng & Jannette Chong 

Both of us come from very different family backgrounds and had very different experiences in life. Though we love each other, we had a lot of disagreements and arguments . However, we are blessed to have Mrs. Ho and our counsellors (Joanne & KV) to guide and advise us through this journey. We appreciate their time and patience in teaching us about dealing with anger, accepting each other’s personality, managing expectations and communication skills. A relationship is all about commitment and giving 100% in everything that we do, rather than 50/50. 

Joanne and KV were very good role models for us. From their sharing, we learned about complimenting each other and praying together to God. Always seek God and put 100% trust in Him. 

The learning process was not easy but with their guidance and God, we were able to change and become a better & more loving couple. We think it is a must for a couple to attend this pre marriage course. Lastly thousands of thanks to Mrs Ho, Joanne & KV for giving us this valuable course before entering our married life! 

Jackie & Kar Yee

