The Power of Volunteers

美佳之窗 His Window 103( Jul - Sep 2024 )

Text by Rev. Matthew

The church serves to build up the people that come into its premises. However, it is also a place where through serving each other, believers find greater fulfilment and purpose in church. While the church has a strong core of paid staffs and pastors, it is without doubt that the volunteers play a vital role in keeping the ministries running. Let us have a chat with some volunteers in Mega English Celebration who juggle between work / studies and serving in church on Sundays.


Silver Lim (S)
Jia Qian (JQ)
Dylan (D)

Can you give a quick introduction about yourself?

S: Hey church! I am Silver, and I am currently working as a musician, composer, vocal producer, and music teacher.

JQ: Hello! I am Jia Qian and I am currently a student in the University of Nottingham Malaysia.

D: My name is Dylan Loke, and I am a Central Region Ministry Staff at Scripture Union Peninsular Malaysia.

What is your serving position in church?

S: I have been serving in the worship team since Sunday School, and am currently one of the worship coordinators in MEC, together with Jia Qian.

JQ: I serve as a worship coordinator in MEC. I am also involved in other ministries such as MJYF, MEC Welcoming Team, and Sunday School.

D: I currently serve as a MEC committee member, worship leader at MEC, a life group leader of MEC’s working adult LG, and a MJYF teacher.

What compelled you to serve God in church?

S: I feel blessed to be able to serve with such a talented bunch. Also, I am reminded of God’s goodness each and every day and that’s something that keeps me going to church, serving, and praising Him. For that, I would like to encourage everyone to serve in church!

JQ: Growing up in church, I have always been “highly” encouraged to use my gifts and talents to serve in different ministries. So it all began with a sense of responsibility to fulfil as a Christian. However, over the years, I have grown to appreciate the art of serving as one of many ways to love others as Christ has loved me. Moreover, serving in different ministries have allowed me to interact with different individuals from all walks of life, thus enlarging my worldview, bringing me joy, and seeing the work of God in their lives.

D: Some might ask me why I serve in 4 ministries? My answer is to continue to edify the people (church) and as a response to being saved by God that I love others.

What are some challenges in the ministry, and what keeps you going?

S: I would be lying if I didn’t mention that I sometimes serve out of habit. As music is currently my full- time job, there are times when I find it hard to segregate my work mode and worship mode. I am sure a lot of musicians can relate to this. However, what keeps me going is the strength of Christ!

JQ: (Focusing on worship ministry) There are 3 key challenges that I/we face in the ministry.

a. Insufficient manpower! As many youths transition in and out of MEC, finding their place in different parts of the world, there is a huge challenge to secure sufficient people as many come and go.

b. Burnout! In relation to the previous problem, many volunteers face burnout as they continuously serve week in and out.

c. Lack of spiritual growth. The team has come to a complacent stage with minimal growth spiritually as some even struggle to attend weekly LGs.

D: One main challenge is that I have no off days as I work from Monday to Friday while serving on Saturday & Sunday. It is truly by the grace of God that I am able to continue what I do, and my passion is to have people know and live out the Gospel.

What encouragement will you give to worshippers who want to serve God in church?

S: Every ministry, from the worship team, usher team, to Hebrews cafe, needs a hand! I understand being up on stage is not for everyone, and it does not have to be. If you have a talent for making people feel comfortable around you and feel welcomed, join Hebrews cafe team or the usher team! If you have a talent in the musical side, then feel free to join the worship team! (shameless plug incoming) We’ll be hosting our auditions soon, so come by.

JQ: It is never too early or late to serve in a ministry! Start when you feel called, give your all, and pace yourself. And finally, always remember that serving really is not quite about yourself but it’s about Him!

D: My encouragement for anyone serving or thinking of serving is to fully utilise one’s time by being obedient to God’s will so to deny one’s own will just as Jesus did.