In His Time

美佳之窗 His Window 93(Jan - Mar 2021)

Testimonies by Raymond Low, Fong Wan Kit, Alex Moh and Joey Wong 

Compiled by Philip Tan  ( MEC Life Exchange Family Lifegroup) 

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” As much as this was the backdrop of ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, every bit of that applied to the MEC Life Exchange lifegroup in the year of 2020. The difference is that the peace that surpasses all understanding guarded our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

Beyond the usual MCO limitation that everyone was experiencing, there were unexpected accidents, medical emergencies, sickness, and the passing of our late sister Karen Tee. Amidst the challenges, the lifegroup became more committed in our care, concern and intercession for one another. 

We experienced firsthand that God’s plan is better than ours when we learned that we would be expecting 4 new babies in our lifegroup between August 2020 to January 2021! 

Here are the stories of faith of these new parents, including a family who had prayed faithfully for 17 years before receiving the gift of childbirth in 2020. Praise the Lord for His Promise! 

In April 2020, Penny was pregnant - indeed a surprise to our family! We began to prepare ourselves as we entered the pregnancy stage, anticipating another smooth and easy pregnancy (just like the past two pregnancies with Athena and Hera). 

The first trimester went well and we had a blast with a gender reveal party with our close family. Soon after Penny entered the second trimester, the ultrasound was showing that she could be having low lying placenta but we couldn’t confirm it until she got into later stage. Everything seemed to be fine until one late night, she started bleeding and we rushed to the emergency. Doctor advised bed rest and to avoid moving around. A week after that, she passed out at home and had a second time of bleeding. The low lying placenta is the cause, there could be high possibility that she will bleed again during third trimester which will result in premature labour. Unfortunately, she was also diagnosed with gestational diabetes which means she needed to be cautious in her daily diet for sugar intake. 

As we prayed for God’s protection, we also asked God to provide energy and strength to us. Apart from managing the complication of pregnancy (which means we have to prepare special diet meal for Penny), we have to juggle between our work and our two girls’ schooling at home. We are blessed to have supportive LG members, who have been keeping us in their prayers throughout the entire journey. 

Three weeks before the scheduled caesarean date, the placenta had moved up. Doctor was surprised as this is not something usual especially during the third trimester. 

On 17th January 2021, Atlas joined our family with abundant blessings in full term. God is good and great! We believe this is truly God’s work and he has answered our prayers. 

All glory be to the Almighty God for giving us a smooth and safe delivery. 

Hannah, our little precious princess. She came when we gave up after trying for 2 years and even a failed IVF procedure. She is the promise that God is here and He has his timing. Hannah is also 1 of the 4 new born in our Life Group! 

In the year of hardship and uncertainty, she is the shining blessing from God. Furthermore, our boy, Isaac finally has a partner in crime and a baby sister to care and protect (hopefully!). Praise the Lord, truly! 

After waiting and yearning for a new family member for the past 17 years, we found out that our Lord has blessed us what we longed for in April 2020. The pregnancy journey is filled with joy but also uncertainties and high risk due to my wife’s condition of high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats. With our Lord’s blessing, grace plus supports and prayers from Church leaders and communities, my wife successfully underwent a heart procedure at week 18 of pregnancy and followed by emergency delivery at week 33. 

We fully trust and believe that our Lord answers our prayers in His time. We might not know when our prayers will be answered, but we can be assured, our Lord will always answer our prayers. I would like to share Psalm 37:4 and Matthew 6:33-34 which comforted us tremendously during our journey. 

We want to give thanks and glory to Lord Jesus for giving us a precious gift in year 2020, our little one - Hannah Lee En Yue. 

It is an unspeakable blessing and fearful responsibility to bring her up in Lord Jesus’s love and teach her to know His way. 

We pray O Lord, give us the wisdom, strength, patience and joy to take on this journey. Thank you, our Father God for being the best parent for us to look up to, may we raise our child to honor You. Amen!