Compassion in Our World

美佳之窗 His Window 92( Oct - Dec 2020 )

Text by Rev. Phan Wy Chung

Translated by: Stephen Cheng 

“Ruth” is a collection of loves of the family, humanity, romance and the grace of God. The story is centered on two women, Naomi and Ruth, narrating their lives encountering initial bitterness but ended with sweetness.

An example of the interaction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Firstly, let us look at the mutual support of Naomi and Ruth, presenting a perfect mother-in-law / daughter-in-law picture which should not be viewed as something certain. As a mother-in-law, Naomi was open-minded and she always stood by her daughter-in-law’s viewpoints in regard to others. Naomi chose to suffer personally, rather than to allow Ruth to live with her with no clear future. As for Ruth who was full of respect and filial piety for the aged, and also thoughtful towards others, she was willing to forgo her own future to prevent her aged mother-in-law from facing loneliness. These two women were able to live harmoniously because of their mutual understanding.

Today, as we envy the relationship of Naomi and Ruth, shouldn’t we ask ourselves whether we have done our best not to harbor dissatisfaction towards our mother-in-law or our daughter-in-law? It clearly shows that a family relationship needs to be nourished and appreciated in order to gradually produce good result.

To conduct according to the laws

Next, let us look at Boaz. According to the rules of the law, picking the grains left behind (Leviticus 19:9-10, Deut 24:19-22) is a demonstration of God’s way to safeguard the livelihood of the foreigners, orphans and widows. What Boaz did was based on the spirit of God’s law, and he treated Ruth kindly because of her filial piety to Naomi.Perhaps, we might think that what Boaz did was just to follow the requirements of the law, and was not deserving of praise. Since Boaz is a rich man, to him, offering a little help to the poor is just a small effort. However, human nature tends to be selfish, which is why God intentionally instituted the law for His people to follow.

Wealthy and charitable

Besides, from the parable about the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus (Luke 16:19-21), we notice that not everyone is charitable. In other words, Boaz could be a selfish rich man; moreover, he was told Ruth was a Moabite who had just returned from Moab (Ruth 2:6), he had every reason to despise and reject this pagan woman from picking the grains from the leftover in the field.

So far, what do we associate our thinking with?

Do we notice there are many poor people and foreigners in our community? What have we done for them? Let us use a little of our care and smiles to make them feel some human warmth.

The relationship of mutual respect

The interaction of Moaz and Ruth subtly developed into a romance, with the undeniable help from Naomi. Meanwhile, Boaz and Ruth had been maintaining a relationship of mutual respect. Boaz did not despise Ruth, and did not take advantage of her vulnerability. Although Boaz seemed to be the one who initiated the conversations with Ruth, offering her food and inviting her to eat together, his intention was not to date her, rather demonstrating his natural generosity and genuine care for her. By so doing, Boaz hoped to remove the barrier between them and to be accepted by Ruth. As for Ruth, she did not intentionally want to attract Boaz to pay special attention to her by taking advantage of his kindness. Later, Naomi told Ruth that Boaz was a close relative of Elimelech (Naomi’s husband), who had the right to redeem Elimelech’s land without infringing the rights of the transaction.

Perhaps, we tend to yearn for a fairytale romantic love; in reality, only mutual respect in a couple’s relationship can build long lasting love.

Remember the desires after God’s own heart

From the scriptures of “Ruth”, we learn about God’s feelings, His mercy and affection. The story of “Ruth” is interlaced between the books of Judges and Samuel. At first glance, it looks like something to be “rumored”, but later pointing to welcome King David’s entrance to the story. The end of “Judges” records that the situation of the society then was basically without rules and regulations, moral value was at its bottom, and there was hardly any human affection.

God’s law (His Word) given to us is to help us live out our sincere love, mercy and care in the world under different relationships. During a time when there is much uncertainty and confusion, “Ruth” provides comfort and peace like ‘a quiet flowing stream’. In those days, when everyone did as they saw fit (Judges 21:25), there was a devout woman, defenseless herself, yet was willing to selflessly influence a pagan woman to follow God; when the Israelites abandoned God, there was a pagan woman who incarnated the inner quality of God’s own people, and when no one seemed to obey the Word of God, there was an upright man who followed God’s law to care for the needy.

Brothers and sisters, through “Ruth” God reminds us: Whether there is love in the world or not, is dependent on whether we choose to revere God and follow His Word to conduct our living.