美佳之窗 His Window 104 ( Oct - Dec )

Text by Rev. Matthew

Missions or mission work has been the mode through which the gospel spread throughout the world. Take Malaysia for instance, if not for the dedication of the British and European missionaries, Christianity would not be quite like it is today. The growth of Christianity in Sibu and Sitiawan can also be credited to people like John Sung, who was instrumental in the 1930s for bringing the gospel to these places. Doubtlessly, mission work paved the way and continues to pave the way for the gospel in many unreached and even unheard areas. As such, the local church needs to see the great harvest field out in the world and actively mobilise its worshippers towards mission.

How can we cultivate and inspire our congregation towards the mission of God?

Understanding the Mandate

Where does the command to go missions come from in the Bible? Matthew 28:19-20 is certainly one such passage that we look to when we want to know our mission. When Jesus said to his disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...,” he was giving a command but not in a compulsory sense, more with a sense of urgency. Therefore, if we were to understand Matthew 28:19-20 properly, it would mean that if we the modern-day reader can capture the urgency of sharing the gospel to the ends of the world, then we will go forth and begin to do missions.

So mission work is really about urgency. Do we have a sense of urgency to share the gospel? Do we have a sense of urgency to see lost souls saved? Do we have a sense of urgency to tell others that Jesus is coming soon? Urgency is needed in mission work, and the one who has the urgency to share Christ, will most certainly go forth and share the gospel far and wide. But if we have the urgency to share Christ, then this will also bring us not just to do mission work, but the gospel work wherever we are.

Today’s mission field has shifted, from having to travel abroad to being right at our doorstep. With the number of migrant workers and foreign students in our country, we certainly have our work cut out for us here in our own homeland. Christians therefore must see the urgency and opportunity before us and begin to actively bring the gospel to these people from different cultures and walks of life.

The Method of Mission

The word “missions” in its basic definition still means to travel to another country and spread the gospel. A simple google search of this word will also inform you that it is a “vocation” or a “job” albeit the job scope of a missionary. We cannot deny that the most effective method of doing mission is through missionaries, men and women who give their lives to go abroad to a different country and share the gospel. Missionaries today are not just equipped with theological knowledge. We have many who come from professional backgrounds who then become missionaries and are able to use their previous profession to effectively make a difference in the place they are sent to andalso share the gospel at the same time.

However, to get to the point of being a missionary, one needs to first understand and experience missions, hence, we have short-term mission work. Short-term mission work is a bridge that helps create missionaries. Through short-term mission work, Christians are exposed to the needs abroad and also have the awareness of the importance of mission work.

However, I also firmly believe that short-term mission work has its place in the scheme of things. Through short-term mission work, the gospel is also preached and the needs of the people in these foreign places can also be met through the resources of the local Malaysian churches. Short-term mission also provides a platform for all Christians to come onboard the mission field for two weeks or less, once a year. Therefore, if Christians want to be involved in missions, they can start by signing up for a short-term mission trip and who knows how God will lead you in this area of ministry.

The Heart for Missions

Finally, Christians must have the heart for missions. While some are called to be missionaries and others called to short-term mission work, some do not feel the calling for either. But, that does not mean one cannot cultivate the heart for missions. To have the heart for missions is to always remember our missionaries and mission teams in prayer. In Ephesians 6:19, Paul asks the Ephesian Christians to pray for him and his mission of sharing the gospel effectively. Through this plea, Paul is calling on the Ephesian Christians to remember his calling, to bear his calling in their hearts, and in doing so, feel the burden to pray for him. Having no calling to missions does not mean we do not need to pray for mission works happening around the world. Pray earnestly, intercede for mission works globally, and feel the burden that these missionaries feel. In doing so, we are providing a crucial spiritual support for mission works worldwide. 

To have a heart for missions also means to be informed. It is good to be updated on your local church’s mission plan and works. Nowadays, mission reports are publicised so that the congregation members will be in the know on what the church is doing mission-wise. Read, know and understand the church’s mission work in the field and in doing so, you are cultivating the heart for missions. Through knowledge, it will also help you pray effectively and strategically for mission works. Speaking of knowledge, one can also attend missiology classes to help sharpen their biblical and theological understanding of missions. Missiology is taught in many Bible colleges nationwide and by qualified lecturers, many of them missionaries themselves.Joining a class will certainly give you a systematic understanding of the biblical nature of missions and the necessity of missions.

Lastly, having a heart for missions means we give whenever we can to mission works, organisations, and institutions. Giving is a sensitive topic, but, we must remember, most missionaries and mission work requires heavy funding. Missionaries need money for daily needs and the gospel work. If we cannot participate physically in missions, the least we can do is to try to support mission works globally through our giving. No matter how little you commit, any form of offering will certainly help further the gospel work. Think of it this way, the little you sow into the mission work, you are making a big impact for the kingdom of God.