本期目录 Content

  1. 教会历史

    1. 美佳堂的集体记忆 成立牧区30周年恩典路
  2. 编剧自说自话

    1. 邂逅竞争欲
  3. 看世情

    1. 大马华裔少子化须面对的未来
    2. TO 生 OR NOT TO 生
  4. 主流话题

    1. 邂逅欲望
    2. 访何汉生谈管理自身欲望,让贪污、贿赂、滥权无处栖身
    3. 欲望可以掌控吗?
    4. 健身的欲望
    5. Desire and Lusts?
    6. 基督徒应如何看待和处理占有欲
  5. 处境再思

    1. 现代人,你真的那么忙吗?
  6. 灵光乍现

    1. 我见红灯喜
    2. 《热辣滚烫》在破碎的讨好型人格中, 重建自我
    3. 从马大和玛利亚说起
    4. 优秀但迷惘的高材生:在信仰中寻找方向
  7. 人物专访

    1. 忠心事主,侃侃护教,不负昔时今日 访陈金狮牧师/博士
  8. 艺海拾贝

    1. 无法慢慢长大的童星——“小薇薇” 涂迎薇
  9. 基督教教育

    1. 比翼双飞——他俩的曲折人生
  10. 旅马华侨宣教事工

    1. 走出去体验世界,探访“最小的弟兄”
  11. 恩典交汇处

    1. 当华人文化遇上基督教信仰
    2. CONNEXIONS 热辣滚烫看两性关系!
    3. 美佳堂祖孙主日 美好的信仰传承从祖父母开始
    4. WA CAMP REROUTE 从心定向 在职场做美好的见证
    5. 美佳堂大专生 为爱撒种到加叻,不负锦瑟年华
  12. 爱我本土本乡

    1. 3月30-31日 下乡服务 以主爱浇灌峇东
  13. 阅读之美

    1. 《上帝的企管学》 如何回应神的呼召?—— 工作阶级化、圣俗二分的历史及影响
  14. 我阅世界

    1. 走出属灵生命中的拉茨瓦韦策战役
  15. 顾影自省

    1. 《姥姥的外孙》教你的金孙暴富攻略
  16. 资讯

    1. 唯一 The One

Desire and Lusts?

美佳之窗 His Window 107( Jul - Sep 2024 )

Text by Rev. Matthew

Desires and lusts are two words that have and do not have relations to each other. While it is true that lust stems from uncontrolled desires, however, lust does not make desires bad. In fact, humans were created to be persons with desires because that is what makes human life beautiful. So, as we dive into these two words, we will look at how these two words have effect on our lives especially in the areas of money, power, and sex.

Desire or Lust for Money?

Money is undoubtedly the most important element in a person’s life. If anyone says money is not important, they are most welcome to give me the money that they have. I do believe in a healthy desire for money and this is in no way sinful. But, what about 1 Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” This is where some Christians have completely misinterpreted and conclude that money is evil.

To say “money is evil” and the “love of money is the root of all evil” are two different things. For the former, that statement would mean that to touch, have and hold money regardless of its amount is touching and holding evil. It is like saying that touching money is touching drugs. But, read carefully the words of Paul to Timothy and you will realise that is not what Paul is saying. If you read a few verses before verse 10, you will see Paul speaking of godliness (holiness) and contentment and how it is a great gain. You will think that with godliness comes contentment, but, surprisingly both these virtues need to be built up separately and equally. So, it means that a spiritual person can also be discontented with life, which then makes him or her do things that could potentially be wrong and sinful to fill up the discontentment within. So, when Paul speaks of godliness and contentment, he is reminding Timothy that while money is good and important, it must not become the sole focus of Timothy’s life. Because if Timothy’s life is lived for the sake of money, then, money will become the root of evil. Money will draw him away from the work of the ministry, money will draw him away from God, and if uncontrolled, money can even suck him into a life of sin for the sake of gathering more money for himself. So, that is why Paul says to Timothy to build up a godly and contented life, and to not love money more than God.

The instruction of Paul to Timothy seems clear and simple enough for us as Christians today. First, be contented with what you have now. While there is always a need for more, we must always stop and ask ourselves, “Am I really lacking?” While some may lack financially, most of us would realise that we do not actually lack money, rather, we lack contentment with the amount of money we have. Secondly, practise gratitude daily. Instead of complaining about what we do not have, wake up each day thankful for what we have. Many times, we neglect to give thanks to God for the simple blessings of life — food, clean water, and shelter. These may not be perfect, but if it is sufficient for what we need in the present, it is reason enough to give thanks to God. Third, come to God in faith for our needs. I think this is so important, if we have areas of lack. While we work hard and do our best to build up our financial capacity, there must also be a recognition of the power of God in our finances. If we cut God out of the picture, we might be tempted to do things our way, which can possibly end up in the wrong way. By surrendering our finances to God, and trusting Him, we are trusting in a power greater than us, and a God who truly loves and cares. So, why not? Trust Him and see how He provides for the needs of our lives.

Desire or Lust for Power?

Interestingly, in the same letter to Timothy, same chapter, Paul starts off by saying, “Let all who are under a yoke as bond servants regard their own masters as worthy of all honour, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be reviled. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brothers; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their good service are believers and beloved (1 Tim. 6:1-2).” There is an emphasis on respect and honour between two persons of different ranking. The servant-master relationship is one that is spoken of the most in the New Testament, and all the apostles emphasises on respect between both parties. A slave or servant is not what the term means in today’s times. Rather, we should look at it as an employee-employer relationship. Back then, people were servants by choice, working for someone in order to pay off a debt and to earn a living. But, there were times where servants were insubordinate and would scheme against their master in order to try to steal wealth or take control of their master’s possessions. Some masters would treat their servants or slaves badly, abuse them, and deny them their rights. In both these scenarios, it is a lust for power or an abuse of power. So, Paul tells Timothy that in a servant- master relationship, both parties must learn to show honour regardless of status or rank.

The key in this passage and in this relationship issue is power. One must be willing to respect power, and the other must be willing to forgo power. While power and authority is good and necessary, too much of it, it becomes uncontrollable. Uncontrolled power, becomes dangerous and can lead to evil actions. That is why Paul advocates for persons without power to submit and respect authority, while those in power to practise servanthood and show honour all the more. In our society today, while climbing up the social ranks are good, we must be aware of the implications towards our spiritual lives when we make power or positions of authority our sole purpose of life. Power can be a desire, but must never be a lust. The desire to have power must go along with the desire to bring about positive change in people’s lives and to give back to the society. For those who are in power, think about the position you are in now, and ask yourself how can you use this position to be a blessing to others. To be in position of power is a God-given blessing and it can be used for the greater good of the kingdom. Continue to lead with authority, but, at the same time live like Christ

Desire or Lust for Sex?

Sex is the most talked about subject of today. The idea that sex sells is no longer a foreign idea and every media uses and capitalises on this concept in order to sell a product or push agendas. However, in doing so, we lose the beauty of why sex was created in the first place. Selling sex also creates a deep cavity in the hearts of people, which stirs up lust and then horrible acts of sexual immorality follows suit. So, what does the Bible teach us about sex? The bible is full of warning against sexual immorality. But, like money, it does not deem sex to be sin. Galatians 5:17-21 speaks of the “desires of the flesh” and examples of it are sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, etc. Further down the list, also related to sexual immorality are things like drunkenness, and orgies. These are all actions that are brought about by a life that does not put under control the desires of the flesh. Sex in its original form is not sinful. It brings pleasure and fulfilment to a person’s life. Sex was created by God to enhance relationships and bring two persons closer together. But, when sin distorts the original purpose of sex, we have the added responsibility of having to control sexual desires and not allowing it to control our lives and actions, instead. So, like power, sex can be a desire, but must never become lust. Control and do not give in to the lust of sexual desires. The lust of sex leads us to things such as pornography, premarital sex, adultery, and homosexual relationships. Having control of our sexual desire will allow us to live in freedom and have a healthy appreciation of people and relationships. Having healthy sexual desires will save us from the pain that comes with careless or sinful sex life. Having healthy sexual desires will allow us to be guilt free and remain in a meaningful relationship with God.


With all that is said, we all need God’s help in our lives daily. And the beautiful promise of the Scripture is that God is most willing to help us either to walk in holiness or to change from whatever that is not right. Come to God in faith and see how the Holy Spirit can transform our lives for the better, and make whole our desires.

Rev. Matthew