
美佳之窗 His Window 86( Apr - June 2019 )


文:何汉寅牧师 -《美佳之窗》创刊者、前总编辑


说实在的,办《美佳之窗》是吃力的,是紧张与压力的综合的工作。内页中不只是文字和图像的堆砌,它更是主内同工及信徒们努力开垦耕耘的园地。里面多少教会的活动和消息得流通报道;多少教会事工的异象和使命得以分享;多少信仰的理念得以发表;多少宝贵的生命及属灵的体验可以交流。《美佳之窗》风雨不改,鞠躬尽瘁地奔跑了20 年,真是一股强有力蒙恩的见证和实据。




文:何李颖璇师母 -《美佳之窗》创刊者、顾问





文:潘武忠牧师 - 美佳堂主理牧师 、《美佳之窗》总编辑

“求祢指教我们怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心。”(诗篇90: 12)


如果以一个人的成长阶段来划分的话,那么20 年正是一个人经历了从婴儿到孩童期、再从孩童步入少年期,现在已成长到了青年的阶段,可谓人生正要开始,前途无量。但前路同时也是充满着许多的挑战。因此,不论我们走过了多少的日子,但愿我们继续存谦卑的心仰望上帝,也愿祂继续赐予我们 “智慧的心”,使用我们借着文字向世人表明祂的心意,阐明真理。

“愿主我们的上帝的恩宠归于我们(《美佳之窗》)身上。愿祢坚立我们 手所做的工,我们手所做的工,愿祢坚立。”(诗篇90: 17 )

期许更坚立,共同 “标青”

文: 李祖国 - 美佳堂会友领袖、《美佳之窗》顾问

《美佳之窗》二十年了!在每一个季节的拐点,我们所走过的路,顺畅的、曲折的,我们都得到上帝的眷顾,要数算祂丰盈的恩典。《美佳之窗》让我们“看见 神的荣美”,多么贴切的标志!感谢 主透过弟兄姐妹各类的文章,让我们 看到美好的生活见证和教会的事工, 展现基督的荣美。 




诗篇90章17节:“愿主我们神的荣美,归与我们身上。愿你坚立我们手所作的 工。我们手所作的工,愿你坚立。”与大家共勉。


文:陈爱仁 - 美佳堂执事会主席、《美佳之窗》顾问

《美佳之窗》从1999 年創刊至今20 年了。我看她由有一个婴孩——8面黑白影印版到今天64面的全彩印刷,成了一个20岁成熟的美丽少女。







但愿《美佳之窗》50 周年纪念的那一日,我能继续见证。

PIC 20th Anniversary Message

Text by Stephen Cheng - Ex-PIC Chairman, PIC Adviser

I am thankful to be given the opportunity to write this article in conjunction with the PIC 20th anniversary.

PIC (Publication and Information Committee) of Mega CMC has been serving God primarily in the publishing and printing of the quarterly periodical “His Window” (HW) and other reading materials for the last 20 years.

‘His Window’ (initially named the Monthly Bulletin) was initiated when the former senior pastor Rev Ho Hon Yan was inspired by God to use publications to evangelize the Gospel. It all began with a humble 4-page hand-written script printed in black and white for the 80-odd church members and worshippers. The purpose of the bulletin was to keep the church members abreast of what was going on in the church.

As the past chairman of PIC, I personally witnessed God’s guidance and His loving grace to help improve HW gradually. HW improved from better to best in terms of its contents and quality. It was amazing to see it grow from 4 pages to 8, 16, 24, 32, 48 and currently 64 pages. Today, HW is a beautifully-designed and 4-colored magazine. HW, I believe has become a must-read and much-awaited magazine for all the church worshippers, and to a certain extent for all the Methodist Churches in the country. How much is HW touching and influencing the hearts of the readers is not clearly known; but I am sure our Lord God the Heavenly Father knows and He must be well pleased with it!

PIC is also known to be multi-tasked to manage the church archive, library, service counter, multimedia information and promoting a reading habit. These ministries have been contributing significantly to very meaningful services to the church. In particular, Mega CMC’s library now functions in a computerized rental system, with about 10,000 books, CD/DVD and magazines available every week for rental.

Starting 2019, brother Ernest Tan who is the new PIC chairman, has launched a 7 i-Function strategy to inspire all the PIC members to serve even more effectively with the objective to enhance the efficiency and quality of its services. Armed with his vast experiences in the marketplace, spiritual maturity and capable leadership, I believe that he will continue to helm PIC to a much higher level of success.

I would like to encourage all the PIC members not to lose your ‘first passion and love’ to serve the Lord. Please be reminded that your gifts, time and talents are from God, and they are meant to be used for the purpose of advancing His Heavenly Kingdom. The Bible says whatever role you contribute to serve the Lord, whether it’s small or big, it will not be in vain.

I want to convey “Big Congratulations” on this auspicious occasion to the past and present PIC members for their unselfish efforts, untiring spirit and commitment to faithfully serve God for the past 20 years!

His Window - Unveiling the Glorious Beauty of God in the next 20 Years

Text by Ernest Tan - PIC Chairman

Kudos to “His Window” past and present editorial team for being able to continue and sustain the publication of His Window for 85 editions over the last 20 years. Not only have all publications been published as scheduled across the years , the magazine has transformed from the initial 16-page single colour newsletter to a 64-page full colour publication at present. This is not to be taken for granted, taking cognizance of many other magazines - both Christians and secular ones alike that have suffered the fate of extinction for whatever reasons during the same period!

Staying true to its tagline – “Unveil the Glorious Beauty of God”, His Window has faithfully featured articles and stories reflecting the beauty of God’s character and majestic creations through the life and activities of its people and His church. It is indeed a treasured archive for Mega CMC in transcribing its journey of grace and legacy over the past 2 decades!

Moving forward, with the advent of digital media and ubiquitous dissemination of information literally at our fingertips, it is incumbent upon the current editorial team to keep abreast with latest technology and contemporary development. We shall strive to continuously improve, adapt and innovate so as to meet the needs and demand of our target audiences. It is our fervent hope that we are able to continually Unveil the Glorious Beauty of God via His Window over the next 20 years and beyond!