THE NLT Illustrated Study Bible

美佳之窗 His Window 98( Apr - Jun 2022 )

Text by Stephen Cheng

When I was asked to contribute an article to “His Window” about the favourite book I have read with the purpose of encouraging our church members to inculcate a good reading habit, I did some deep thinking on whether to take up the challenge or not. Even though reading books is not my cup of tea, I willingly accepted the challenge. 

Firstly, I shortlisted three books: 

  1. The Gospel of the Kingdom;
  2. Holy Spirit: Revelation Revolution; and
  3. The NLT Illustrated Study Bible 

I realized that having to read a book and compress it into a 2 to 3 pages article in 3 weeks is a mountainous task to me! So, I discarded book 1 and 2 which cover massive spiritual materials, and finally I chose the more familiar book 3 ‘NLT Illustrated Study Bible’. 

This NLT (New Living Translation) Illustrated Study Bible (ISB) was first published in 2007 by Tyndale House Publishers which have been publishing Bibles for over 50 years. The ISB was translated from the original “The Holy Bible” by a team of 66 experienced scholars, writers, editors, and designers taking a long process of 8 years to complete. It gives very clear step-by-step guides to read the text comprising contemporary English translation, hundreds of colourful images, various Bible cross references, detailed timelines of historical events, relevant concordances, background information relating to the passages, important Bible characters, Jewish customary practices and cultures, God’s laws and covenants, sins and God’s punishments. 

Each of the 66 books in the Bible mainly begins with a 4-section introduction to give the readers the gist of the book before proceeding to read the text. 

  1. Setting: The background that leads to the writing of the book.
  2. A verse-by-verse summary of the book.
  3. The meaning and message of the book the reader will get to learn before reading it.
  4. Authorship: The author is introduced with the background on when, where, why and to whom the book is written. 

The ISB was published with two visions; firstly, to make the Bible accessible to a new generation by giving them an entirely new visual study experience. And secondly, to offer the opportunity to better understand the Bible and obey Jesus’ command to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.” Matthew 22:37 NLT. It is intended to create a text that is easy to read and understand, while also accurately and effectively communicating God’s Word from the original ‘Holy Bible’. 

I like this NLT Illustrated Study Bible which I have been using for the past six years. It has become my daily devotional 

reading and study material, and I must say that it helps me to better understand God’s Word with much ease, fun and interest. I enjoy using this Bible because of its format of presentation, relevant colourful illustrations and images, and the clear and simple English translation plus the massive concordances and information. 

To know God better is to know and understand His Word. John 1:1 tells us clearly that,”...The Word was with God, and the Word was God”. When we understand the Word, we understand God! For us as Christians, God’s Word is our essential spiritual food, like the physical food for our physical bodies, to 

grow spiritually and physically healthy. Both the spiritual and physical health conditions are important because our body is the temple of God in which His Spirit lives. We need God’s Word to be spiritually alive at all times! “ For the Word of God is alive and active......... (Hebrews 4:12 NLT). 

Why is the Word of God important to all Christians? 

God’s Word is powerful because it gives all the answers we need for living a godly life. Every Christian should inculcate the habit of reading the Bible because it is the compass to help us confidently walk the right spiritual journey. Psalm 119:105 NLT says “Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” 

The Bible is important to help nurture the wellbeing of our spirituality because: 

  1. It sustains us (Matthew 4:4)
  2. It protects us (Proverbs 30:5)
  3. It comforts us (2 Thess 2:16-17)
  4. It helps us grow spiritually (1 Peter 2:2)
  5. It brings us blessings (Luke 11:28)
  6. It is powerful to win spiritual war fares (Ephesians 6:17)
  7. It helps us understand God’s attributes.   (The above scriptures are in the NLT version.) 

If we lack God’s Word, we lack the knowledge of God. Then, we become spiritually weak and we can be easily influenced by the worldly cultures and practices to sin. As Christians, we should guard ourselves from sins, and only the Word of God can have the power to help us! Good Christian characters can powerfully testify the Word of God and glorify His Name! 

The ISB is generally helpful for Christians to build a strong faith in God, especially those who find reading the Bible to be uninteresting and dry. I believe that the ISB will benefit the reader a great deal to increase his Bible knowledge, grow spiritually stronger, and enhance his interest in studying the Word of God with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend this Bible to be used for daily study and devotional reading to closely connect with God, and to improve our practical relationship with Him. 


Stephen Cheng, Mega CMC Honorary LCEC member, serving as Lg Zone Leader. Retired businessman, love golfing and badminton, holding an Australian PR with 4 married sons and 9 grandchildren.