Doxa: Worship Nights

美佳之窗 His Window 98( Apr - Jun 2022 )

Text by Rev. Matthew 

Since the multiple lockdowns began in Malaysia due to the Covid-19 pandemic, church has been closed. During this time, the church leadership became aware of the needs of our worshippers, especially in the area of finding space for intimate and intentional worship. With this in mind, MEC came up with the idea of “worship night.” Worship night would be a night where the entire session comprised of Scripture and Worship. Some ground rules set before we even planned for our first worship night was: (1) there would be no preaching, (2) minimal speaking by team members on stage, (3) give space for each worshipper to listen, worship, reflect, and repent. There are strong reasons for such “rules” to be set for worship night. Worship night has to be different from regular Sunday Service. Worship night has to be a place where intentional worship happens. Worship night also is a place where our members are educated and inspired to live a life of worship. Lastly, worship night creates space within the busyness of life to pause and draw near to God. With this blueprint of the purpose and intention of worship night, we began planning and organising our worship nights. 

The team came up with the name “Doxa” as a label for our worship nights. “Doxa” which is a Greek term, carries the definition of “justified truth.” What a fitting name for this event as we worship a God who is true and just. A God who is righteous and mighty, yet, a God who loves all of humanity with such a great love that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. “Doxa” also carries an expectation that as we worship God, we are declaring our commitment to walk in truth, to proclaim truth, and to hold on to truth. 

The first worship night was held on the 11th of December, 2021. This was the very first physical gathering in church after almost 9 months of worshipping online, via zoom. Our members were excited to be back in church, and indeed, with Christmas just around the corner, it was a memorable night of worship. A total of 70 people were gathered in the hall and it was indeed an amazing sight, seeing everyone worshipping God in unity, spirit and truth. Hearts were filled, tears were shed, and lives were changed by the power of God moving amongst His worshippers that night. It was not so much the success of the “event” that inspired us to continue planning for the next worship night, but, the atmosphere of worship. It is amazing what one can experience, if he or she is willing to set aside time to worship God. But, it is even more amazing when believers gather together for only one agenda - to worship God. 

In 2022, we held our second worship night on the 16th of April. This time, we stretched the time even longer, and we challenged our serving members to “speak” lesser, and join in the worship. The reason being, oftentimes as a worship leader or band member, we can get caught up in the act of “leading the worship session” or “perfecting the sounds” so much so, we miss out on the crux of worship. The second worship night carried a different theme and tone as it was held during the Holy Week, a night before Easter. The focus of this round’s worship night was on the humility of Christ, the victory of the cross, and the exaltation of the resurrection. The second worship night was even better as it came in a time where Malaysia was moving towards the endemic phase which meant that church could increase the capacity of worshippers allowed physically. If there was one word to describe Doxa 2022, it would be “humbling.” Through the songs and Scriptures, all of us were reminded of the humility of Christ that brought salvation to us sinners. Through the songs, we were reminded of the great gift of grace through the cross, and the power of Christ within us because of His resurrection. I do not think anyone left the worship space without an impactful encounter with our risen Lord. 

Doxa worship nights will continue to be an integral part of MEC’s ministry. It’s purpose will continue to be the same: to create intentional space to worship our great God. And we also invite all of you to join in the next Doxa worship night. Come, and worship the God of truth together! 


Rev. Matthew