God loves, God warns. Embrace it.

美佳之窗 His Window 95( Jul - Sep 2021 )

Text by Pastor Matthew

When we are warned of something, it usually has to do with something dangerous. In our everyday life, general warnings and specific warnings are part and parcel. The purpose of warning is singular - to prevent a mishap from happening. The scriptures do not lack warning on the spiritual dangers that we are to avoid. However, at times, we view Scriptural warning as restrictive or even intrusive of our lives. For some of us, we choose to ignore the warnings in Scripture, although it clearly is pointing us in the direction that is right. So, if warnings are important, why then do we neglect and sometimes abandon the warning of Scripture? Let us examine the Scriptures and understand the importance of Scriptural warnings and why we should embrace and adhere to the warnings of God to us.

1. Prevention - Josh. 1:7-8 

In the book of Joshua, we see the second generation of Israelites preparing to enter and take possession of the Promised Land. But, before setting out, Joshua gives them a word from the Lord. This message is filled with promises, encouragement, and hope. However, there is also a warning from God. God warns the Israelites not to turn away from the Law of God. Turning away, will result in them experiencing the setback of their first generation. Now, there are two ways to look at this warning of God. First, we can look at it as a prescription for success and failure - obey and succeed, disobey and fail. Honestly, most of us will interpret this warning in this manner. However, the problem of such an interpretation is that we will see God only as a God who does not care about us, except only when we follow His ways to the dot. This will lead to legalism, and soon, there will not be any motivation to obey God. Such was the mistake of the first generation of Israel, they viewed the laws of God as oppressive, and restrictive. And they only followed because “there was no choice.” Such an attitude towards the warning of God soon drew them further and further away from God and as a result, they were judged for their disobedience.

A second way of looking at God’s warning in Joshua 1:7-8 is by looking at God’s intention of preventing the Israelites, both the first and second generations, from facing failures. The laws given to Israel on Mt. Sinai was to set them apart as a holy nation. The laws were to show the Israelites the right way so that they could be in a relationship with God. The laws were also to guide and prevent Israel from destroying herself through sin.

And if the Israelites had known the intention of God to prevent them from heading towards their own pitfall, I believe, the first generation would have made it into the Promised Land. Looking at the warning of God through the lens of God’s intention to prevent us from falling, allows us to catch a glimpse into the heart of God. He loves His children so much that it pains God’s heart to see us fail in our sins. And that is why He sets before us warnings. These warnings are signposts for our lives, just as it was a signpost for the second generation of Israelites, preparing to enter the Promised Land. The warnings of God are there to keep us from falling into the trap of the devil, it is there to prevent us from wandering aimlessly outside of God’s will, and it is there to prevent us from doing anything that will draw us away from our love for God.

If only we can see the intention of God to prevent, we will certainly take heed to God’s warnings, just as the second generation of Israelites did. And when we can do so, we will experience the victory and success God gives.

2. Glorify - Josh 2:9-11 

The warning of God has a difference in the sense that it brings glory to God’s name. In Joshua 2:9-11, we see of Rahab recounting the message of the power of God from the time Israel departed from Egypt to the present time. And the warning that they have heard - that God is powerful, unstoppable - was enough to strike fear in the hearts of the people of Jericho, along with the king and his soldiers.

God’s warning is not always only in relation to prevention. His warning is also for us, to pave the way of victory in our lives. When the enemy and the walls of Jericho stood before them in their conquest of the Promised Land, God’s warning went before and struck fear in the hearts of Jericho. In our present day and age, when the enemy the devil rises up and tries to strike fear in our hearts, God’s warning goes before us and warns the devil that any child of God is covered by the blood of Jesus. When the enemy tries to defeat us with lies, God’s warning goes before us with the truth that reminds the devil of his impending eternal defeat. Joshua 2:9-11 gives me the courage and hope in God’s warning that goes before, and fights my battles. A warning that serves to glorify His name, and to pave the way for us.


After all that is said, the question we have to ask is: what do we think of God’s warning? Are we willing to obey? Do we still look at God’s warning in a negative light? I pray that we will have a paradigm shift to see and understand the love of God for us. For if we do, then we will see that His warnings are always for us, and never against us.