家变 Shift F

美佳之窗 His Window 91( Jul – Sep 2020 )

文:李家怡 / 陈佩欣 / Eleanor Lim / Clarice Ng

这是美佳青少年(Mega Youth) 一起改变家庭,成为信仰持守者的行动。

往年的美佳青少年聚会都以实体方式进行,这一次却以线上方式与大家见面,并且有30位年轻人愿意邀请自己的 家人来参与,在星期六晚上与家人一起共度这精心安排的时光,以晚餐、礼物、分享及祷告,把上帝的爱融入家中。


陈佩欣(Nicole Ting)


第一天的节目《深·谈》(REAL TALK)里,我从讲员方嘉雄牧师的分享中了解到每个家庭都有不同的故事和问题。我曾经觉得自己的家不完美,想要改变这个家。但是在第二天的节目 《深·潭》(DIVE DEEP)中,方牧师的分享让我明白这世上没有完美的家庭。是的,没有一个家庭是完美的。每一个家庭都需要家庭成员愿意爱、愿意负责任和沟通。父母和孩子之间需要互相陪伴,相互付出——一个愿意放低自己,另一个愿意放开自己,彼此学习倾听和分享。这样的家才会获得幸福。




Eleanor Lim

An eye-opening encounter

       Having recently attended MegaYouth Week’s “Shift F” I have been seeing a slow, but definite change in both my faith and family in Christ. My relationship with God and my family had been mostly stagnant before this, not bad, but not that great either. Upon hearing about this event, I didn’t have much expectations, assuming that this would probably be an event like any other.

       During the first night’s “Real Talk” however, I realized that this was the very first time I had experienced and heard of such genuine and REAL stories from the speakers and fellow small group members alike. It was a very eye-opening encounter with the different stories and point of views of everyone. The questions discussed within the small group time about family matters and our view on family, also covered a variety of subjects not usually talked about, allowing us to approach and deal with such matters in a positive way.

       The second day’s program allowed me to ponder much more on my faith and how it affects the family through both “Dive Deep” and “Bond Family Bond”. The sharing by Ps. Joshua Hong during “Dive Deep” covered many aspects of our relationship with our parents and how to improve it, and the QnA session at the end gave us a great platform to ask more specific questions/receive helpful tips. “Bond Family Bond” was admittedly, one of the best bonding times I’ve had with my family. Through both programs, I believe that God touched the hearts of me and my family that night, and it is an experience I never want to forget.

       Overall, it was an amazing experience, and I look forward to more events like these in the future!

Eleanor (左)和家人。



Clarice Ng

Taking ownership of my own faith
       Through the various sharings and discussions throughout the weekend, we had the opportunity to hear stories from different families. It definitely provoked my thoughts and made me reflect on my own family and how I can make a change. It made me realise that no matter how perfect a family seemed to be from an outsider’s perspective, there are flaws in it. There are no perfect people in this world, so families can never be perfect. We don’t get to choose the family we are born into, but what we can do is to accept one another for the way they are and be willing to make the best of what we’re given. Building up a family is not merely the responsibilities of parents but we, children, also have a role in building strong family bonds.

       I also really like the sermon that was preached on Sunday on Acts 2:37- 47. It serves as a reminder for me to continue taking ownership of my own faith. Even though we label ourselves as a Christian, have we constantly humbled ourselves
before the Lord in repentance? When we take ownership of our own faith, we will then be able to transform and bless our families. Our families, then, can live as a testimony to others and will be able to influence and to transform the society and people around us.

       I am really thankful for the leaders who put in so much effort to make Shift F happen. This was my first time participating in a “virtual camp”. It reminds me that church is not just the four walls of a building. It is where believers gather together, building each other up and grow closer to God.