
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. [ Psalm 119:105 ]

你的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光。[ 诗篇 119:105 ]

20 Sep 2020

20200920 音乐与崇拜主日庆典 Mega Worship Sunday Celebration


Mega Sunday Celebration 20-Sep-2020 10am 证道 Sermon: 重建上帝的殿 经文 Scripture: 路加福音 19:28-48 讲员 Speaker: 方嘉雄牧师

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13 Sep 2020

20200913 主日庆典 Mega Sunday Celebration


凡求告耶和华的,就是诚心求告他的,耶和华便与他们相近。The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Mega Sunday Celebration 13-Sep-2020 10am 证道 Sermon: 疫情下的体会 经文 Scripture: 诗篇 145:18 讲员 Speaker: 陈淑萍牧师

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06 Sep 2020

20200906 圣餐主日庆典 Mega Holy Communion Sunday Celebration


证道 Sermon: 神子民醒起 (2) 经文 Scripture: ⻢太福音 23:13-28 讲员 Speaker: 潘武忠牧师

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30 Aug 2020

20200830 主日庆典 Mega Sunday Celebration


耶稣对门徒说:“若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,背起自己的十字架来跟从我。 欢迎你参加美佳堂主日庆典。 Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 
Mega Sunday Celebration 30-Aug-2020 10am 证道 Sermon: 跟从我 经文 Scripture: ⻢太福音 16:21-28 讲员 Speaker: 林明威神学生

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23 Aug 2020

20200823 主日庆典 Mega Sunday Celebration


你们中间谁为大,谁就要作你们的用人。 12 凡自高的,必降为卑;自甘卑微的,必升为高。 欢迎你参加美佳堂主日庆典。 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Mega Sunday Celebration 23-Aug-2020 10am 证道 Sermon: 神子民醒起 (1) 经文 Scripture: ⻢太福音 23:1-12 讲员 Speaker: 潘武忠牧师

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16 Aug 2020

20200816 主日庆典 Sunday Celebration


经文 Scripture: 诗篇 34:1-9 讲员 Speaker: 何汉寅牧师

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09 Aug 2020

20200809 主日庆典 Mega Sunday Celebration


证道 Sermon: 简朴的福音 经文 Scripture: 哥林多前书 1:17 讲员 Speaker: 倪凤幼执事

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02 Aug 2020

20200802 圣餐主日庆典 Mega Holy Communion Sunday Celebration


证道 Sermon: 天国已临近 经文 Scripture: 马太福音 4:12-17

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05 Jul 2020

Mega CMC Sunday Service 05-Jul-2020 10:00 am

Mega Holy Communion Sunday Celebration 5-July-2020 10am
证道: 属天的模范 - 决心(2)
经文: 马太福音 7:13-29
讲员: 潘武忠牧师

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28 Jun 2020

Mega CMC Sunday Service 28-Jun-2020 10:00 am

讲员 林奕维

Mega Youth Sunday Celebration 28-June-2020 10am
证道 Sermon: 持守信仰,转变家庭 Faith Owners, Family Transformers
经文 Scripture: 使徒行传 Acts 2:37-47
讲员 Speaker: 林奕维
翻译 Translator: Daniel Woon

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21 Jun 2020

Mega CMC Sunday Service 21-Jun-2020 10:00 am

讲员 潘武忠牧师

Mega CMC Sunday Celebration 21-June-2020 10am

证道Sermon: 合神的心 After God’s Heart
经文 Scripture: 路加福音 Luke 15:25-32
讲员Speaker: 潘武忠牧师
翻译员 Translator: 陈逸耀执事

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14 Jun 2020

Mega CMC Sunday Service 14-Jun-2020 10:00 am

Mega CMC Sunday Celebration 14-June-2020 10am
证道: 听道者的心
经文: 路加福音 8:1-15
讲员: 刘家盛传道

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07 Jun 2020

Mega CMC Sunday Service 07-Jun-2020 10:00 am

讲员 何汉寅牧师

Mega CMC Sunday Celebration 7-June-2020 10am

证道Sermon: 主啊!祢是恩宠人的神 Lord! You are Gracious
经文 Scripture: 诗篇 Psalm 90:17
讲员Speaker: 何汉寅牧师
翻译员 Translator: 李祖国会友领袖

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31 May 2020

Mega CMC Sunday Service 31-May-2020 10:00 am

Mega CMC Sunday Celebration 31-May-2020 10am
证道: 属灵智慧人
经文: 以弗所书 5:15-21
讲员: 潘武忠牧师

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24 May 2020

Mega CMC Sunday Service 24-May-2020 10:00 am

Mega CMC Sunday Celebration 24-May-2020 10am
证道: 约翰卫斯理-从烈火中抽出的一根柴
讲员: 李祖国会友领袖

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17 May 2020

Mega CMC Sunday Service 17-May-2020 10:00 am

Mega CMC Sunday Celebration 17-May-2020 10am
证道: 环境不变心境变
经文: 箴言 4:23
讲员: 何汉寅牧师

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