Connect with Yourself

美佳之窗 His Window 98( Apr - Jun 2022 )

Text by Rev. Phan Wu Chung 

Translated by Jacob Lee

A report in 2020 projected mental health issues are the second largest illness after heart diseases in Malaysia. According to the survey published by the Ministry of Health, one out of three over the age of 16 suffer from mental health illness. The survey also indicated one out of five from ages 13-17 have depression; and two out of five youths suffer from anxieties. Besides, one of every ten young people faced mental pressure. Worse still, 10% of the youths showed suicidal inclination. These numbers are expected to increase after the pandemic. 

Undeniably, every one of us faces hardship and challenges in our lives; the author of Ecclesiastes has long deliberated on this ( Eccl 8:6-8 ) and everyone reacts and responses differently to the difficulties and challenges we face and we should not judge others based on our own endurance capacity. Clearly, mental well-being is important in one’s tackling of severe tests that come his way. 

Joseph’s trying life 

There are many spiritual giants recorded in the Bible. They too faced stringent tests in their lives. What are the secrets of them emerging triumphant over these challenges? I wish to share here the life of Joseph. 

Joseph had a good and happy family, however he was sold to Egypt by his elder brothers due to jealousy. According to the record in Genesis 39, an Egyptian officer, Potiphar bought Joseph as slave. We were told in Genesis 37:2 that Joseph was then 17 years old. By the time he went through his time in Egypt and working for Potiphar’s household, he would have been a young man at age 20 to 25. In other words, at a very young age, Joseph has had a very trying life beyond what words could describe. Imagine, he was forced to leave his comfortable home and sold to a place totally strange to him. He was once well-loved and was turned to be a slave. And worst to his hurt was : his very own family members were his traitor! 

Later, Joseph’s life at Potiphar’s household was relatively stable because his master found favour in him. However good times did not last long, because the shameless lady master was angered by Joseph’s refusal to be seduced by her and he was wrongfully accused. As a result of this, Joseph was put into prison. 

Joseph’s psychological well-being 

Imagine if we are like Joseph being hit badly by unfortunate incidents one after another, we would have collapsed mentally! As a matter of fact, Joseph could have given up. He was forsaken by his family and down trodden to slavery, why should he work so diligently and loyally? He could have taken the opportunity to rise up to position by the favour of his lady master; not to be upright and as a result faced imprisonment. However whether in good or bad times, Joseph handled the situation positively, doing his best in all things and maintained his integrity and trustworthiness. This is testimonial to Joseph’s super strong mental well-being. 

God is with Joseph 

Was this a birthed endowment for Joseph? In Genesis chapter 39, “ The Lord was with Joseph. “ appeared 4 times; at the foreword ( Genesis 39:2-3 ) and the ending ( Genesis 39:21, 23 ). This reminds us, God is with us whether we are in good or bad times! These words showed that if it were not for the presence of God with Joseph, he would not be able to take the hits one after the other: if it were not for the presence of God in his life, Joseph would not be able to experience that every bad thing would turn out good (even though all things might work well, he would not discern these are the acts of God). Our faith in God should not be motivated by solely expecting blessings from God. It’s true that God is pleased to bestow us with blessings, this should be the result but not the reason of our faith. Many Christians have wrongfully put the order reversed, once we encounter difficulties or failures, we would then be trapped mentally and even to the extent of giving up our faith. 

Trusting God in good and bad times 

Joseph did not trust God only after he received blessings from God, or seeking God in troubled times, he has chosen to trust God always and letting God be first in his life. This is the reason for Joseph’s strong mental power! Our mental well-being and our relationship is closely knitted, this is likened to Paul when he was in the midst of dangers, he declared boldly: “ I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. “ (Phil 4:13). And thus < Connect with yourself >, it is not one carrying the pressures and difficulties all by yourself, but to often self-check and honest reflection on our faith, to maintain a steadfast faith in God like Joseph; it is in this way, our “ inner man would be strengthened by His Spirit “ (Eph 3:16), we will then be able to face the various tests in our lives with our mental well- being. I believe God who was with Joseph is also pleased to be with us!