美佳之窗 His Window 94( Apr - Jun 2021 )

Text by Eng Cherng Wei

Hi, I am Eng Cherng Wei. It has always been my ambition to share the gospel. I thank God for giving me a missionary’s heart. Since young I love going on mission trips, participating in voluntary activities, visiting the poor and homes for the disadvantaged. I enjoyed those moments when I see the joy in the faces of others. Certainly, those moments were good, but I was not. Looking back now, what I enjoyed most during that time was not for the glory of God, but rather I wanted to present myself as a good and kind Christian. I would say that I loved the applause of people more than I wanted to please God. 

A little background about myself - I have a bachelor degree majoring in dance. Many expected me to take on the path of a dancer or to become a dance teacher. Even my parents have such expectations of me as well. During my third year in university, the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ shone in my heart like none of the experience I had before in the past 20 years of my ‘Christian’ life. Sins were exposed but grace abounded. Blind eyes were opened and were given the eyes of faith. I was dead but made alive in Christ. My life has changed. It does not mean that I have become more successful in my pursuit, it’s not saying I no longer have any hardship and suffering but on the contrary, I suffer greater than before. A new life in Christ is that I am no longer a slave to sin but I am a free man with the hope of eternal life. 

Following that conversion my desire changed, my priorities changed, my passion changed. I completed my degree and later I was offered to study abroad for a Master in Dance Therapy. All solely by God’s grace and providence. As I mentioned, my desire and passion changed and dance therapy is no longer what I want to do, but I want to use it to reach out to people and bring to them the gospel. Last year October, I had about 5 months waiting time before the enrolment 

in March 2021. A sudden change needed to be made because I then acknowledged that my family will have financial difficulty in supporting my study for a long term. Therefore, without doubt, the wisest and the most loving thing to do is to let go of the opportunity to lighten the burden of my parents. 

The desire for the ministry of God’s word grew stronger in me as time went by. My heart breaks every time I see the lost and the needy who have not heard of the gospel. This led to God’s calling into full time service for Him. For God so freely gave His Son for me, what else shall I want? What else shall I live for if it’s not for Christ. “In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will, to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves.”(Ephesians 1:5-6). Serving God is not a decision that I made, but it’s God’s decision. I was saved by His grace, for the proclamation of His grace, to the praise of His glorious grace. Intelligence, talents, ability, creativity, strength I have none, but all I have is to offer Jesus Christ most freely, fully, without exception of any sinners, to present Christ in His ability, willingness to save, the preciousness as the only Redeemer of lost sinners. Moreover, God’s divine power of love has enabled me to bring forth the message of assurance to the redeemed people of Christ. Christ shall lose none of all those the Father has given Him, but raise them up at the last day.

This is the good news that everyone needs to know, the only hope which we ought to cling on. While patiently waiting on God to unfold His plan, God sent different people to guide me and to test if this is the calling of God for me. After having conversations with several wise counsels, I was introduced to Mega CMC Eagle training program to begin my full-time ministry. I am truly grateful and humbled that in this one-year program, I am given a great opportunity to work alongside a team of wonderful people, hand in hand to build up the church. My main ministry is the youths, a ministry which can be challenging yet fulfilling. For I do not know what lies ahead, what joys and griefs are there, the way I cannot see, but I do know the One who stands near to be my guide and He will show me The Way. With God, things don’t just happen because everything by God is planned. God had appointed the end and He had also appointed the means to accomplish the end. And the great means are the Word of Christ and prayer to the Father both done in the Holy Spirit. This to me is the great confidence that God will build His kingdom among men. God loves His church and His people more than any one of us do, therefore, let us put our trust in the Lord, in Him is everlasting joy and the hope which will never put us to shame. All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful (Psalm 25:10).