拯救性2.0 让青春与圣洁手牵手

美佳之窗 His Window 104(Oct - Dec 2023 )


美佳堂MJYF、大专团契、HOMIG团队联合举办的《拯救性2.0》(Save Sex 2.0)于9月15号开跑。







刘祥钦 (Megacf)






“因为人子来,并不是要受人的服侍,乃是要服侍人,并且要舍命作多人的赎价。”(马可福音 10:45)。特会最后一天,我的问题也有了答案。在呼召环节,当嘉玮传道说要为愿意委身于主的人祷告,我便将右手放在胸前,将自己献上给主。这绝对是我最大的突破,因为我预备好了,随时可以为主做工。若是将来身边有同性恋者或在挣扎的人,我愿意成为上帝的器皿,去陪伴,为主做见证,用生命影响生命,帮助他们远离罪性,追求圣洁。

Evonne Ong (MJYF)


李盈莹 (Megacf)



第二个让我印象深刻就是最后一天结束前的祷告环节。牧师问:“通过这个特会,觉得自己已经预备好去陪伴同性恋的朋友,或在未来的某一天遇到这群有困难的人,愿意尝试帮助他们的人,请把手放在胸前。” 牧师话音刚落,我有一股强烈、坚定的感觉让我愿意陪伴或帮助那些有需要的人。我不知道自己是否有一天会遇到这些人,但我相信,如果遇到了,上帝会赐给我聪明智慧去陪伴他们。


刘彦伶 Low Yan Ling



Wong Charmaine (Sunday school 12 years old)

I was expecting to learn more about who I am.

My most memorable moment was tea break because of the fellowship and worship. I enjoyed worship very much. I learned new things about what I should and should not do and what is right or wrong. I would like to be more aware of what I am doing when talking or going on the internet.

Hanz Tan (MEC Co-Hort)

I thought we would mainly be learning about LGBTQ+ and things like why we should remain a virgin until marriage or how watching porn will affect our lives.

My most memorable moment in the conference would be one of the workshops by Peggy about our identity. This is because I struggle a lot with my identity as a student. My emotions and actions are very easily affected by how other people look at me or how they will judge me. Hence, sometimes I would change my values or actions to fit in. And that, sometimes becomes my identity. Through this workshop, it has helped me to solidify the truth that my identity is that of a child of God and my values and actions should be done based on this identity and no other external factors.

I have learned a lot from the conference. The main one would be how your identity is the one that determines your value and actions, not your value and actions that determines your identity. Besides that, I have also learned and received more insight on how a person self identifies as a LGBTQ+ through the sharing of Pastor Jia Wei. I wish that through this camp, I can become a person who can stand their ground with the identity of being a child of God, even when tempted or judged by other people. I also wish to be more understanding towards my friends that are LGBTQ+ and although we do not share the same values, I wish to walk with them, pray for them and love them as how God loves us.

Philip Lai (MJYF)

Truthfully speaking, I joined this conference without much thought or consideration about the topic of this conference as all I wanted was to spend some time with my friends. I thought that I was well-versed in the topic of sex education, so I did not expect to learn much from the conference.

I could not be more wrong about myself. The moment the speaker started sharing about his experiences I was locked in.  From being the social outcast to being lost in what the world has to offer and ultimately finding solace in Christ. All of it made me ponder about decisions I have made and the paths I have taken. Am I living in the past with all these questions unanswered? Have I truly accepted my identity as a child of God or do I still want more of the world?

The workshop after the theme talks was a great call by the organizers. All my questions were answered. The theme talk was more of a theory session while the workshop is where you put it to use. It taught me that growing up, feeling a certain way, or questioning certain beliefs is completely normal. It served as a safe space for discussion and to raise questions which I have tried so hard to suppress at the back of my head. Honestly glad I went to this conference. My view on self-identity have changed drastically after this, in a positive way of course.


I wanted to experience a youth event and hopefully take something home from it. However, I did expect the usual talks about sexuality and the Christian view v.s. Worldview debate – and true enough, they were held, and they were good. It was a privilege to have someone from Taiwan speak to us about his own experiences and how he eventually overcame his problems with God’s help.

Aside from the theme talks, the ones that surprised me the most were the workshops talking about our identity, and about how, essentially, our main identity is found in Jesus Christ, as His children, His sheep, and not in the labels of this world. Hearing such things taught aloud really opened up my eyes (and my brain). Also, I found that after Save Sex 2.0, I have been checking the way I speak, making sure I do not simply blurt out things like “He sounds gay” and the like!

The most vivid memory I have of the event is definitely the closing on the last day. The meaningful worship combined with the prayer was really impactful and truly wrapped up the whole event nicely.
