
美佳之窗 His Window 100( Oct - Dec 2022 )

文: 潘武忠牧师 《美佳之窗》总编辑

“上帝造万物,各按其时成为美好。” (传 3:11a) 

《美佳之窗》见证了美佳堂的历史和成长,也见证了天父上帝的恩典和带领; 而它今天能够达到第100期,当中更是经历了许多天父奇妙的作为,因为是祂令所有的事情都各按其时成为美好。当然,我们除了要感谢天父之外,也要感谢多年来在背后默默付出和耕耘的弟兄姐妹 (尤其是供稿者)。大家的参与,就像一起完成一座建筑物一样,当中的一砖一瓦,都是共同杰作。 

来到这100期,我们可以视它为一个里程碑; 但我们绝不因此而骄傲,而是继续带着信心展望未来。我们也祈愿天父继续使用《美佳之窗》来为祂记述美好的故事,借着文字把信仰传承给我们的下一代! 

文: 何汉寅牧师《美佳之窗》创刊者、前总编辑

《美佳之窗》,“美佳”代表美佳堂,“窗” 代表空气流通,有生命气息,窗内窗外,与神交流,与信徒交流。

我们阅读《美佳之窗》时,应同心向神感恩,因我们都成了这份出版 100期的刊物的见证人。办《美佳之窗》是吃力的,是紧张与压力的综合工作。《美佳之窗》里面不只是文字和照片的堆砌,它更是教会教牧、领䄂、同工及信徒们努力开垦与耕耘的心血,使教会的活动与事工得以流通报道; 使教会的异象和使命得以传递; 使信仰及见证得以分享。《美佳之窗》守着坚持不懈的精神,出版了100期,真是美佳堂在文字事工上的一大成就。


文: 何李颖璇师母《美佳之窗》创刊者、顾问

《美佳之窗》的前身是《美佳堂双月刊》。于 1999年 10月份开始: 内容包括《牧师的话》、《师母的话》、《执事的话》,介绍教会的同工 (教会同工团队刚开始建立)、大小团契事工報导,《心灵书乡》(好书介绍),報导每两个月的週讯内容,为孕妇,身体软弱者,年终考和参加政府考试的孩子代祷。当时的美佳之窗犹如历史文献记录,亦如家事报导分享的平台及管道。

《美佳之窗》这个名称于 1999年 12月第二期正式採用。而于第二期开始已接受了英文稿件报导或分享。于第六期採用双色,第九期《美佳之窗》两周年纪念时印刷了彩色特刊。第十期开始用部分彩色篇幅,只是提供给教会活动报导版位。

2003年,第 17期开始,《美佳之窗》在纸的质量及彩色版位上有了更大的改进及突破,直至 2019年第 85期是整本採用彩色版本。《美佳之窗》与我的关系是一个的連聚心灵及生命的成长记录,记录了自己在事工上的学习及突破。

一、2005-2008年 (27-43期):

《师母的话》(《媽咪信笺》专栏) 写了17期的文章,资讯出版委员会将之结集出版了《牵我手,牵我走》。

二、2009-2012年 (45-52期):


三、20132014 (53期-59期):



从 61期开始,每期都选写、報导教会基督教教育范围內不同的事工,如家庭、婚姻、婚前辅导系、青少年、初少、生命小组、主日学及性教育的文章或接受采访。


從 77期开始写基督教教育專題式的专栏:《属灵传承: Deut6》; 95期开始写《还看下一代》陪伴青少年成长的专栏至 100期。

23年来写了接近 100篇的文章及報导,对这份美佳之窗的关系难以用文字表达,心中存着感恩,因它在我的服事生涯中是一份很重要的生命元素。

文: 李祖国《美佳之窗》顾问


过去的 100期,我们都竭尽所能让大家透过《美佳之窗》的窗里窗外看到上帝的荣美,从弟兄姐妹的见证文章里,看到福音的大能。在我们的生命里头所开辟新篇章,教会各事工的报导里,林林总总,百花齐放,显现人人都侍奉,人人皆祭司,教会出世亦入世,荣神益人,美佳也!


《美佳之窗》100期 100分! 与大家共勉同喜。

文: 陈爱仁《美佳之窗》顾问


因神的恩典,我有幸见证从第一期到第九十九期出版,从单色到彩色,从 4页到 64页出版。感谢过去委员们多年的辛劳及付出,将一切荣耀归给神。祈愿接下来的 100期能继续祝福更多弟兄姐妹的属灵生命。但願神使用《美佳之窗》喂养祂的羊群,让灵里得饱足。愿耶稣的话语存记在我们心中,成为我们脚前的灯、路上的光,成为我们的智慧,成为生命中随时的帮助与引导。

《诗篇》19篇 7-8节这样说: “耶和华的律法全备,能甦醒人心; 耶和华的法度确定,能使愚人有智慧。耶和华的训词正直,能快活人的心; 耶和华的命令清洁,能明亮人的眼目。” 与大家共勉。

Text by Stephen Cheng ( Former PIC Chairman ) 

‘His Window’ 100th Issue 

A testimony of God’s Faithfulness. 

I must first thank God, and congratulate IMM of Mega CMC for successfully leading the ‘His Window’ team of volunteers to achieve the milestone of publishing its 100th Issue. For Mega CMC, this memorable event is a historical achievement, and it’s also a shining example for other Chinese Methodist Churches in the country. ‘His Window’ deserves to be noticed and acknowledged as a leading church magazine among the local and overseas Chinese Methodist Churches. 

During my past years of association with ‘His Window’ publishing committee as a chairman, I can testify that producing and publishing 100 issues of a church magazine is not an easy journey. Serving voluntarily in the church context requires lots of commitment, time, and sacrifices. Everyone must diligently work with a strong spirit of unity, understanding, discipline and patience, apart from unselfishly offering their talents, skills and experiences. 

‘His Window’ is a quarterly magazine. To be able to consistently publish every issue takes a team of dedicated volunteers of writers, editors, proof readers, layout and graphic designers, camera man and printer to put together their expertise and experiences over a period of three months of meetings, in order to compile and finalize the manuscripts before sending them for printing. 

To me it’s almost a miracle that ‘His ‘Window’ can survive this far! 

Over twenty years ago, Rev Ho Hon Yan started with a hand written record of the monthly events and activities of Mega Preaching Point on a black & white 4-page leaflet. As his passion for such writings progressed, he ventured deeper into initiating a ‘publication ministry’ later called ‘His Window’. 

Praise the Lord for Rev Ho’s vision of establishing this ministry and His blessings for the continuous success of ‘His Window’. Special thanks should be accorded to the present and past chief editors, and the entire team of volunteers and church resources for their untiring efforts and support to help produce this beautiful and colourful memorable publication. 

I pray and hope that ‘His window’ with God’s grace and the advancement of technology, will continue to publish with better reading materials and publishing qualities, and serve as the outstanding church magazine in the form of soft and hard copies to bless both the Christian and non-Christian communities. May this 100th Issue be the beginning of yet another significant milestone in the years to come! 

Text by Ernest Tan ( IMM Chairman ) 

‘His Window’ 

Unveil the Glorious Beauty of God 

Heartiest congratulations to His Window (HW) for successfully crossing the 100th edition milestone in Q4 of 2022! It is indeed a solid manifestation of the sheer dedication, perseverance and hard work from both the past and present editorial boards in steering the evolution of the publication from the initial 8-page single color newsletter to the current 64-page full color quarterly publication over the last 23 years. Kudos to the past and present editorial team for the remarkable achievement! 

With the tagline of “Unveil the Glorious Beauty of God”, HW has served as an effective conduit for Mega CMC’s parishioners to testify of God’s faithfulness and proclaim God’s mercy through their lives’ journey. HW has also religiously tracked and captured the development of major events and milestones in Mega CMC via her myriad of ministries’ activities over the years. 

To mark the arrival of the 100th edition milestone, the Publication & Information Committee (PIC) has conducted a comprehensive online survey with more than 100 HW’s audience on their reading habits, likes & dislikes, and feedback for improvement of the publication. In addition, PIC also organized a workshop on July 23 with the aim of conducting a holistic review of HW’s publication encompassing its format, creative content, look and feel, positioning 

and its mandate. Some 30 participants representing the editorial board members, ardent HW’s writers and readers took part in this workshop. With the aforesaid input, it is the fervent hope and intent of PIC that HW stays relevant and continue to meet the exacting needs of Mega CMC and her audience post the centennial publication whilst unveiling the Glorious Beauty of God. 

Last but not the least, I wish to appeal to your contribution of stories and articles to further enrich HW’s content. Do feel free to reach out to any of the editorial board members should you have any suggestions or ideas for improvement. Through HW, I pray that you would be able to encounter Him, experience His Glorious Beauty and serve Him earnestly! Amen.