
美佳之窗 His Window 94( Apr - Jun 2021 )





“我的殿要成为祷告的殿,教会要成为祷告的教会。” 2017年,这经文终于落实。我们从每月筑坛一次,每周一次,逐步进展至每天筑坛。这是渴慕更认识神的必然成果。当然,过程并非一帆风顺。起初我们不晓得如何带领,也不知哪个流程比较适合,只知道神是焦点,敬拜、神的话语和祷告是主要元素,就这样一步一步操练,慢慢迈向成熟和稳定。我们单纯抓住神的应许,就算只有一个人出席也不放弃筑坛,正视各种挣扎和不同的考验,不容任何事情摧毁持续筑坛的决心。 

参加祭坛,最大的感悟莫过于更深认识神: 祂是做新事的神,使万事互相效力,只要願意顺服祂,信靠祂,就能经历祂的应许。因为疫情,祂打开了一扇门——线上祭坛,让原本 3-5人逐渐增加至 20-25人。 

每天早晨七点,众姐妹带着渴慕的心来参与,敬拜、读经祷告的声音不断。能与一群姐妹 (希望有一天弟兄也能加入) 一起筑坛是何等恩典,我无限感恩。 

大家从不同的视角来看《圣经》,每次分享,各人都得到新的体悟,我很享受这个过程。神为我们预备了一副 “眼镜”,让我们将创造宇宙万物的真神看得更清楚。祈愿我们都能明白神的美好旨意。 





文:潘慧仪 ( Joey Puah ) 

单独一人读经会觉得有些经文很枯 燥,遇到不明白的章节也只能参考灵修版 《圣经》的解释;因此没有动力每天持续读 经,但也尽力完成一年读完《圣经》一遍。 去年,因疫情不缓,祷告祭坛改为线上方式 进行;因为无须出门,时间比较宽裕,我就 参加每日祷告祭坛,继续以历史时间顺序的 方式读《圣经》。每天与祷告祭坛小组一 起阅读《圣经》,我得到很大的帮助。除了 可固定每天阅读《圣经》之外,姐妹们的分 享和讨论让我更加明白神的话语。而且,每 天以敬拜、赞美、读经和祷告开始全新的一 天,真的是非常棒的属灵体验,一整天都更 能保持好心情。 



过去,灵修方式是每天读几节经文,代祷 一些事情,如此,我就觉得自己是不错的基督 徒。后来参加祷告祭坛,每天大量且有系统读 经,才知道自己读得粗浅,悔没采用这种有系 统,一年至少遍读《圣经》一次的方式。每天 大量阅读《圣经》,神活泼的话带着能力,影 响我的生命,让我更珍惜神的话语。感谢神赐 下《圣经》,赐给耶稣,并让圣灵教導我们读 经。那曾经觉得抽像的,如神的荣耀、旨意、 圣洁、信实、爱等属灵的字眼,变得宝贵而实 在,能够体会、领悟并经历之。 


文:Joyce Chua ( 最年轻的参加者 ) 

升上大学后,我的灵修生活断断续 续,灵命渐趋枯干。偶然受一姐妹邀请参 加祷告祭坛,欣然参加。过了一段日子, 觉得很有归属感,每天期待可以和一群人 一起祷告并读经。祷告祭坛带给我生命最 大的改变就是提醒我要继续相信上帝。姐 妹们激励我持续阅读《圣经》。虽然有时 我还是会渐行渐远,但因着持续参加祷 告,不断地得到提醒,知道神是怎样的 神——神在乎我们,祂是公义的。此外, 祷告祭坛也帮助我更了解神的话语。

没想到参加祷告祭坛会给我的生命带来如 此大的改变。这集体与个人的祭坛生活让我更 专注地寻求神、默想神,並按照祂的心意来祷 告。 我想,神喜悦我们来认识祂,親近祂,爱 祂。期待有朝一日家人与朋友都能参加祷告祭 坛,能更深经历神。 

by Janice Lim 

It has been almost a year since I joined the Daily Morning Prayer Altar and I praise God for a group of committed and dedicated sisters who have been organising this. From being just a visitor to the group, I am now a regular member. Perhaps, the bright side of MCO is that I can finally learn to be more disciplined as I have not been consistent with my devotion before. 

We started with the book of Deuteronomy in March. This is the 3rd year of reading this book since the church started the Bible reading plan. Today’s reading made me ponder on the story of the Israelites who left Egypt for God’s Promised Land and wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. They were rebellious and refused to have trust in Him. Yet, God blessed them and watched over their journey. He was always with them and they lacked nothing. 
I joined this group with the hope that it would help to discipline me in spending time with God and learning His words. I also wanted to experience a breakthrough in my prayer life. I was convinced that being able to pray aloud and intercede is a quality that every Christian must possess. Just like the Israelites in the wilderness, I have been rebellious, and have not been faithful enough. During this time, God has used the channel of the Daily Morning Prayer Altar to guide and lead me back to the right path by having faith in Him. Almost a year later, though I have not mastered praying aloud, I am now much more confident that I will eventually reach where I want to be just like how God promised the Israelites, and led them to the Promised Land. 

A big thank you to all the sisters in the group as they have been patient and gracious in helping and motivating newcomers like me to be more courageous in praying aloud. They are always so willing and selfless in sharing their biblical knowledge. We are indeed very blessed to be able to gather in God’s presence every morning through this platform.