初少团契 彭亨原住民访宣体验之旅二
美佳之窗 His Window 88 (Oct - Dec 2019)
地点:Kampung Ganoh & Kampung Batu Hitam
导师:陈秋霞、杨紫琪和 Lily(母亲)。
初少成员:李洳莹、余韵、黄祈乐、陈恩萱、张田田、 李颖盈、陈恩欣、Chloe(6 岁)。
当天一切准备就绪,我们一行人便带着一车满满的礼物和衣物前往彭亨。抵达后, 受到当地的孩子热情地欢迎。孩子们与他们玩起游戏,也帮助当地的姐妹们预备晚餐, 有的削马铃薯,有的切包菜、切洋葱的切得一直流眼泪。晚餐时间到了,村民陆续到来和大家一起享用晚餐,孩子们帮忙分派食物,忙得好不开心。
第二天(星期日)一早,我们与村民用马来语一同敬拜,秋霞姐妹则负责分享信息。村民都用心聆听,并且热烈地回答问题。信息结束后,有三位少年愿意接受耶稣成为生命的救主,Azmeil 传道为他们做确信 祷告。
访宣队与 Kampung Ganoh 和 Kampung Batu Hitam 原住民开心交流。
李颖盈(Priscilla Lee Ying Ying)
李洳莹(Helena Lee)
和原住民玩乐时,我感到很开心,因他们都很活泼可爱。我也觉得食物挺好吃的。我学习到要珍惜:我有 很多漂亮的衣服,能吃到很多好吃的食物,我很幸福, 要珍惜这一切。同时,原住民的生活艰苦,他们收到我 们分派的零食时感到很开心。访宣让我多了一个难忘的 经验,希望下次还可以再去。
黄祈乐(Charlotte Wong)
I learned to appreciate my things more and look at the brighter side of life. I learned to speak more Malay with the Orang Asli people and I played with them too. We learned how to cook and cut onions. I am very happy to see them worshipping and answering questions from the teachers with us. We gave them a lot of food, clothes, shoes and toys. Overall, this was a fun and good trip. I hope that we can go again in the future.
张田田(Isabelle Chong)
I learned to appreciate the things I have. I also learned how to peel a potato. Although the Orang Asli kids didn’t have much, I think that they were still happy. I hope that we can go there again, but not more than one day.
余韵(Felicia Yii)
It is an interesting experience because it was my first time going into a village/kampung. I had a hard time communicating with the Orang Asli people but it was fun to play with them. I learned that we should appreciate what we have in our lives.
陈恩萱(Kristen Ding)
At first, I felt excited but when I saw the insects there, I felt kind of scared. I feel that the people there are so much braver than me. I tried to mix with them by asking some questions but they are quite shy and didn’t really talk much. Although I felt awkward, but I still made some friends with the few who talked to me. I want to go again. I enjoyed the experience.I will appreciate everything that I have, because it is God’s blessing. I will not waste any of it.
准备晚餐 。